Al onze programma’s, workshop and specials brengen bewustzijnsverruiming in een stroomversnelling, zijn life changing en ontworpen voor intrinsiek gemotiveerde mensen die kiezen voor blijvend resultaat. In hun team(s), organisatie(s), sector en al hun relaties.
All our programs, workshops and specials accelerate awareness expansion, are life changing and designed for intrinsically motivated people who opt for lasting results. In their team(s), organization(s), sector and all their relationships.
Tutti i nostri programmi, workshop e offerte speciali accelerano l’espansione della consapevolezza, cambiano la vita e sono progettati per persone intrinsecamente motivate che optano per risultati duraturi. Nel loro team, organizzazione, settore e in tutte le loro relazioni
be the change you wish to see in the world

Pauline is leiderschapstrainer en expert op het gebied van quantum psychologie, business elegantie en visionair leiderschap. Ze begeleidt leiders, bestuurders, ondernemers en professionals naar TOP LEVEL bewustzijn waar we van wensen werkelijkheid maken. Op basis van flow, serendipity (synchroniciteit) en win – win voor iedereen.
Pauline is a leadership trainer and expert in the field of quantum psychology, business elegance and visionary leadership. She guides leaders, directors, entrepreneurs and professionals to TOP LEVEL awareness where we turn wishes into reality. Based on flow, serendipity (synchronicity) and win – win for everyone.
Pauline è una formatrice di leadership ed esperta nel campo della psicologia quantistica, dell’eleganza aziendale e della leadership visionaria. Guida leader, direttori, imprenditori e professionisti verso una consapevolezza di LIVELLO TOP dove trasformiamo i desideri in realtà. Basato sul flusso, sulla serendipità (sincronicità) e sul vantaggio vincente per tutti.
Haar elegante en onconventionele strategie overstijgt alle bestaande en bekende methodieken en modellen en is gebaseerd op de cruciale inzichten en basisprincipes van toegepaste metafysica.
Deze quantum wetenschap ontsluit onbenut potentieel, activeert onze zelfhelende vermogens en leidt tot de gewenste herprogrammering van ons brein. Deze wetenschap verbindt bedrijfskunde, psychologie, filosofie en business spiritualiteit. Aan de hand van deze magische strategie kunnen we wereldvrede realiseren. Op aardse, heldere, pragmatische en patroon-doorbrekende wijze.
Her elegant and unconventional strategy transcends all existing and known methodologies and models and is based on the crucial insights and basic principles of applied metaphysics. This quantum science unlocks untapped potential, activates our self-healing capabilities and leads to the desired reprogramming of our brain. This science connects business administration, psychology, philosophy and business spirituality. Using this magical strategy we can achieve world peace. In an clear, pragmatic and pattern-breaking way.
La sua strategia elegante e non convenzionale trascende tutte le metodologie e i modelli esistenti e conosciuti e si basa sulle intuizioni cruciali e sui principi di base della metafisica applicata. Questa scienza quantistica sblocca il potenziale non sfruttato, attiva le nostre capacità di autoguarigione e porta alla riprogrammazione desiderata del nostro cervello. Questa scienza collega l’amministrazione aziendale, la psicologia, la filosofia e la spiritualità aziendale. Utilizzando questa strategia magica possiamo raggiungere la pace nel mondo. In un modo concreto, chiaro, pragmatico e rivoluzionario.
it ALWAYS seems impossible until it's done - nelson Mandela
Global Peace Building Program
If we can dream it, we can do it - Walt Disney
Ladies Leadership Circle
Find the key to self-love, self-confidence and self-empowerment.
Young Heroes
Realize your dreams and turn wishes into reality.
Personal Excellence (proven)
Discover the magic and power of TOPLEVEL awareness.
Excellent Governance (proven)
About leading at the level of integrity, respect, honesty, equality and unconditional love.
Mindset Master train the trainer Program
Become a transformation trainer/coach/teacher. For people with the Courage to Act.
Grensoverschrijdend Gedrag
As long as we are together, we are light as a feather
Our global partner network is expanding. We connect with frontrunners with the Next Generation Mindset and the Courage to act. Game changers with the passion for innovation at all levels: social, economic, technical, global, emotional and spiritual.
- Foundation for Upholding Agriculture Practices: Joseph Rwehumbiza
- Voice of Women Organization Tanzania: Baby Madaha & Joe Kilumile
- CIOOH Trust Zimbabwe: Tinashe Chikodzi
- Global Critical Rescue Zimbabwe: Kratos & Grace
- Tender Productions: Jan Herm Klaren
- Soft Food Alliance Trust Zimbabwe: Laurie Simpson
- Kupunzitsa Village Malawi: Daiton Swafi
Let’s turn wishes into reality!
January 2025
- Global Peace Building Program (start with 5-day Bootcamp in Italy)
February 2025
- Business Elegance Program
March 2025
- Personal Excellence Program (start with 5-day Bootcamp in Italy)
April 2025
- Train the Trainer Program Mindset Masters (start with 5-day bootcamp in Italy)
May 2025
- Inspiration Tour Zimbabwe, Tanzania and Ethiopia
October 2025
- Train the Trainer Program Mindset Masters (start with 5-day bootcamp in Italy)